Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Enjoy the Silence

I wanted to stay in bed, but I had a schedule to keep. I smelled like garlic and curry, so we agreed to go eat breakfast and return to the hotel, so I could shower before venturing to the Westminster side of the city. We headed towards Hawksmoor Guildhall -a place we saw on a YouTube video. It’s located in the City of London section- the financial district, so everyone in there was wearing a suit, except yours truly, so I felt like Yankee Doodle. Amanda looked stylish and cute, per usual. I was wearing neakers, shorts, and a Massachusetts sweatshirt with a curry smear on the front. What can I say, I’m attuned to my surroundings. 

We ordered the special. The Hawksmoor breakfast for 2. Bacon Chop, sausages (made with pork, beef, and mutton), black pudding, short rib bubble & squeak (potatoes and cabbage), baked beans, fried eggs, roasted tomatoes, marrow, and unlimited toast. Wow.

I’ve been accused, more than once, of making exaggerated statements, particularly about food. Don’t listen to the haters. This was the best breakfast I’ve ever had. Amanda agreed, so let that sink in for a minute. I don’t remember ever having bone marrow, but it stole the show. Tried it and then smeared it on some toast. Delicious. Though the toast was “unlimited”, we didn’t need or want more - I try not to eat much bread. The bacon chops was salty, sweet, and scrumptious. The black pudding was good, so I told Amanda to try it, and she did! The only problem with the bubble and squeak was that I have to limit my potassium intake, so I couldn’t devour it. Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, the grilled mushrooms were awesome. What a start to the day. Hawksmoor Guildhall is the spot, if you don’t believe me, see for yourself. There’s other Hawksmoors, but this is the only one serving breakfast, I think. 

After breakfast, we taxied back to our hotel. We have a king size bed, but three sides are against walls or the window. There’s more room to move in a freshman dorm room. 

We cruised on the Thames to the Westminster stop on the public transportation system. We passed Parliment, Westminster Abbey, and Downing Street. We were heading towards Buckingham Palace. First, we had to stop for lunch. It might feel like we just ate- it sorta felt that way to us as well, but it was 1230, and I like to keep a consistent feeding schedule. I wouldn’t say we got lost, but I didn’t see anything familiar. At this point, it was raining, and I had a rain jacket and she didn’t, so I said I’ll follow you and we can duck out of the rain anywhere you want. She did suggest backtracking at one point, and I refused because I only go one direction- forward, baby. She discovered a place I never would have found. A hole in the wall and off the beaten track for sure. The Cask n’ Glass was slightly bigger than our hotel room. I ordered toasted cheese sandwiches and Diet Cokes at the bar. I got the vibe that the couple next to us was having an affair. The cheese toasties were served with corn chips and salsa. Unusual. I asked for ketchup at the bar. They didn’t have any. Amanda HATES ketchup. I like to dip grilled cheese in it. Sue me. 

After lunch, we went shopping. I needed some warmer clothes. I bought a jacket, sweater, and joggers at Marks & Spencer, a department store. We had tea in a quiet cafe. I overpoured the teapot and the lid smashed on to the table. Amanda clutched her heart. Everyone probably looked, but I didn’t bother confirming. 

We still had time to kill, so we stopped in the gift shop near Buckingham Palace. I took a peek then waited outside, patiently. Amanda finally came out and shared what she brought. Crown pencils for everyone at work. I doubt everyone, so it’ll be fun to see who’s insulted. She also bought a Queen Victoria pillbox clock. She just finished a book that I bought her for Christmas about Queen Victoria. Both Geminis, btw. Take this for what it’s worth, but I feel like I have a close relationship with Queen Victoria. 

We sat on a park wall for a short spell. Then finally, it was time for our time slot to enter Buckingham Palace. I’d seen it before, but never went inside. It started downpouring as we queued up under the security tent. Probably to cleanse the masses before entering the palace. Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live in Buckingham Palace. We had to go through the equivalent of airport security and photos were strictly prohibited. We picked up headphones for self-guided tours. In the throne room, I accidentally played the ballroom clip. The narrator said this is where Victoria would hold her balls. I lost it. Instantly bursting out a hearty belly laugh. From across the throne room I saw Amanda turn and shush me. Sheesh. Yeah I was being loud, but everyone was in a state of silent reverie of this royal palace. The whole situation was ridiculous. Here we are, the common people, paying admission to see a few of the hundreds of rooms in this massive castle. A surreal glimpse into the life of kings and queens. I don’t want to go all Bernie Sanders on your asses, but there was an absurdity to the situation. There was some cool stuff though. The piano in the concert room, where Victoria and Albert would play weekly, the royal family’s hidden, but not secret, giant mirror door, and a table first commissioned by Napoleon. 

Amanda loved it. She remarked as we were walking out through the gardens that Victoria had walked here during all her prime minister visits because Albert believed that walking was the best way to get work done. Maybe it is. 

We taxied to Hung, Drawn, and Quartered. The afterwork crowd was rowdy. We sat on the quieter side. This place specialized in meat pies. We ordered a sampling. Steak, minced beef & onion, and spicy chickpea & tomato & eggplant. We also ordered a scotch egg. We liked the vegetarian one the best. The sticky toffee pudding we saw photos of was not on the menu anymore. Disappointing. We went to the hotel. We’re leaving London tomorrow. I’ll probably dream about British women cursing because I overheard a good one today. Reminds me of my favorite part of Love Actually. When Hugh Grant is waiting at the door, and Natalie comes down the stairs saying “where the fuck is my fucking coat?” Music to my ears. Warms my heart. 

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