Monday, June 1, 2020

What I've Been Watching During Quarantine

In lieu of a transplant anniversary post, I published a book instead. So, instead of a 2nd anniversary transplant post, I decided to revive the blog and share what I've been watching during quarantine. We've all probably had plenty of time to binge. If you have any recommendations, pass them along, but only really good ones. This is just a list, not a ranking of any sort. Amanda and I usually watch TV together in the evening, and I watch TV downstairs when I exercise, which is every day. It's part of what motivates me to workout.

Episodes: S8, 13 (final season)
Where to watch: Showtime
Rating: Satisfying

After a long layoff, Homeland returned for the final season. I reckon the extended layoff prior to the final season hurt the show a bit because it was a bit difficult to get back into. Similar to Game of Thrones. However I enjoyed both and found both satisfying. People went apeshit over GoT, but I had zero problems with it, and actually liked it. Let's agree to disagree. Homeland was great early on. The first two seasons were terrific. I was invested in Carrie and her struggles between her working for the CIA, her mental health issues, family affairs, and the crux of the show - her relationship with Saul. This season was uneven, but I was very satisfied with the conclusion of the show. No spoilers!

Memorable Line: We are just strong enough to never lose and just weak enough to never win.

Love is Blind
Episodes: S1, 11
Where to watch: Netflix
Rating: Amusing

I love reality dating shows. Everybody knows that. The Bachelor/Bachelorette, Bachelor in Paradise (my favorite), Blind Date, First Dates (UK). Love is Blind sets people up, but the key is that they can't see each other. The contestants have to get to know each other without ever seeing the other person. The idea is to form an emotional connection rather than one based on physical attraction. 5-6 couples end up getting engaged and the show follows them up to a show reunion one year later. Interesting concept. The whole thing is kinda similar to online dating. If you meet someone on a dating app, you know they probably posted their most flattering photos, and you hope they look something like that, but you never know what you're going to get. Beware of the catfish.

Memorable Line: Which strip club do you work at?

Episodes: S1, 8
Where to watch: Bravo
Rating: Charming

Get a taste of some spicy Indian drama with this reality series from Bravo. Amanda and I were disappointed this season was only 8 episodes. Family relations, engagement party, and a weekend trip to Key West were some highlights of S1, which is based in Miami, although I don't think many of them actually live there. I enjoy Vishal, he cracks me up.

Memorable Line: I had an astrologer tell my parents that I had snakes in my chakra.

Tiger King
Episodes: S1, 8
Where to watch: Netflix
Rating: Appalling

Disheartening documentary about the underworld of big cats in the U.S. Most of the people are despicable. We had to watch out of curiosity factor. The ultimate aim of the show, I suppose, is to raise awareness of the cruelty of private zoos and black market for big cats in America.

Memorable Line: Ladies and gentlemen, before you hear it on the news, I'm going to tell you myself, about an hour ago, we had an incident where one of the employees stuck their arm through   the cage, and the tiger tore her arm off.

In Treatment
Episodes: S1,2,3,108
Where to watch: HBO
Rating: captivating

Gabriel Byrne stars as psychotherapist Paul Weston in this half hour drama. I went IN on this show and watched all 108 episodes! I'm shocked too. I read a book about psychotherapy and became fascinated by it, so I ripped through this show. I also watched Couples Therapy on Showtime. Each season of In Treatment follows a handful of patients with different issues that they're trying to work out, and an end of the "week" therapy session of Paul's own with his therapist. Some characters are more interesting than others, but there was only one I wasn't into, which is only  about 5 episodes out of the 108 I watched.

Memorable Line: The only power we have is how we treat other people and how we treat ourselves.

High Maintenance
Episodes: S1, 6
Where to watch: HBO
Rating: Curious

A weed dealer goes around meeting customers and finds himself in one awkward situation after another. Some are absolutely hilarious, like the one with the swingers. The premise is a little antiquated since you can buy marijuana recreationally now, but I still appreciated it. We'll probably watch S2  I think there's 3 seasons.

Memorable line:  Sometimes your best is just putting your pants on for the day.

Episodes: 6
Where to watch: HBO
Rating: Deplorable

I always knew the McDonald's Monopoly game was rigged, and this documentary tells the story of the crooks involved. These scoundrels scammed millions out of the game. McDonald's didn't seem to know or care.

Memorable line: The FBI told us the game pieces are being stolen.

Top Chef
Episodes: S17
Where to watch: Bravo
Rating: Tempting

Another reality show I like. I like reality contest shows where the winner ultimately determines their own fate. For example, Survivor and Big Brother (my brother loves it) enrage me. I haven't watched either show that much. Survivor twice maybe, and I think BB only once. They both determine the winners by having the bitter, sore, eliminated losers vote for the winner, which is completely stupid if you ask me. I'm enjoying Top Chef slightly less since I've been vegetarian. The best thing to come out of Top Chef was pineapple upside-down cake. I'd never had it, but somebody on the show made it. Amanda said she didn't like it. So, in typical Gemini fashion the next day she ordered a special large muffin baking pan and when it arrived she made six mini pineapple upside-down cakes. They were delicious.

Back with the Ex
Episodes: 8
Where to watch: Netflix
Rating: Bewildering

7 Aussies and 1 American reunite with their exes to give love a second chance. It seems like people usually break up for good reasons. I've never gotten back together with anyone. There are some pretty shocking moments. One bloke does not even have plates in his apartment, and makes his ex eat chicken wings with toilet paper wrapped around the bone handle. There's also a proposal.

Memorable Line: She hasn't seen this body in 5 years, she's been missing out.

Episodes: S1, 8
Where to watch: HBO
Rating: Intense

Unflinching glimpse into high school life - sex, drugs, violence (physical, sexual). One of the more intense shows I've watched in quite some time. The characters and the story are engrossing. I watched it while I was riding the exercise bike and I couldn't wait to watch it each day. Hoping it comes back.  

Memorable Line: Every time I feel good, I think it'll last forever, but it doesn't.

Episodes: S1, 7
Where to watch: HBO
Rating: Unusual

Amanda and I feel similarly about this show. We don't like either main character, but we want to know what happens. The premise of the show is a unique one. Long ago, like 15 years, the main characters split up, but made this pact. One of them will text "RUN" to the other, and if the other returns the text then they meet at a predetermined spot and take a train across the country. Needless to say, they RUN.We keep watching to find out what happens. Amanda was not happy with the ending. I thought it was fine. People expect too much from finales.

Memorable Line: Remember me well because I'm the love of your life. 

Too Hot to Handle
Episodes: S1, 8
Where to watch: Netflix
Rating: Horny

10 horned up singles rendezvous at some sunny resort are competing for 100k. Not sure if it's Aussie dollars, but that would make it 1.5x more than American. I guess they will share the remaining prize at the end. There are rules. Each time someone kisses or has sex a certain amounted is deducted from the group's prize. So individual actions hurt the group, which leads to some shameful moments. We were genuinely happy for one couple at the end.

Memorable Line:  Let's be honest, having an English accent in America is like having a 12 inch dick.

The Politician
Episodes: S1, 8
Where to watch: Netflix
Rating: Sordid

High school drama about an ambitious kid who has his sights set on attending Harvard and being president. I didn't know it was a high school drama - I just saw that it came from Ryan Murphy so I clicked on it. That guy knows how to make entertaining TV. I was a big fan of Nip/Tuck, Glee I never got into but people seemed to love it, and both seasons of American Crime Story were excellent (O.J. Simpson and Versace).

Memorable Line: Being lame was liberating.

Rise of Empires Ottoman
Episodes: S1, 6
Where to watch: Netflix
Rating: Historical

The conquest of Constantinople by Ottoman Sultan Mehmed. I've been interested in the Ottoman Empire for about 15 years ever since I took a class on it. This is a turning point and gives rise to the Ottoman Empire for the next few hundred years. It's about half re-creation/half scholarly commentary. If it wasn't 6 episodes, I probably wouldn't have watched the whole thing.

Episodes: S1, 6
Where to watch: Netflix
Rating: Calamitous

Dramatization of the events in Waco in 1993 showing the siege of the Branch Davidian (David Koresh) compound by the FBI and ATF. The show is based on two books. One by the FBI negotiator and the other by one of the survivors who was inside the compound. The government is portrayed as aggressive. This was coming off another disastrous siege at Ruby Ridge in Idaho in 1992. 82 people were killed at Mount Carmel in Waco when a fire started in the compound after the FBI fired tear gas in.

Episodes: S2, 9
Where to watch: Amazon Prime
Rating: Scandalous

I love Billy Bob Thornton in this role. He plays a hard-drinking, hard-living lawyer who comes out of "retirement" to take a case defending a friend's son who is accused of murder. There's a lot of twists and turns and corruption along the way. Season 2 is good. Episode 7 is great television. It is unsettlingly disorienting and paranoia-inducing.

The Last Dance
Episodes: 10
Where to watch: ESPN
Rating: Nostalgic

There's never been another athlete in my lifetime as electric as Michael Jordan. The only person that comes close is Tiger Woods, but golf is not nearly as popular as basketball, and Jordan never had a humiliating fall from grace. Re-living the Bulls dynasty was fun. MJ's image has always so polished that I never heard him curse before. The ESPN 2 uncensored version really made it much more enjoyable.  I had one pair of Jordans. The 6s from 1990. I felt so cool in 5th grade.

The New Pope
Episodes: S2, 9
Where to watch: HBO
Rating: Irreverent

Season one, called The Young Pope, with Jude Law was really good. Season 2 brings in John Malkovich. Season 2 is a little slower developing and more artsy. A "what's in the box?" situation develops in season 2.

Memorable Line: She's worn out, wasting away like a candle.

American Horror Story
Episodes: S1, Murder House
Where to watch: Netflix
Rating: Scary

Amanda called the show a mindfuck, and the resident horror buff in my family, my brother Mike, said S1 was too weird for him. I've never been a big horror fan, but since an astrology reading I was told part of my mission was to bring light to the dark side, and since I've watched some things that I would never have watched before. I enjoyed S1 of the anthology series. I watched it during the day, but if I was watching at night with the lights out perhaps I would have scared the shit out of myself. Amanda bailed on S2, Asylum, because it scared her. So, I feel like I have to challenge myself.

Memorable Line: The darkness is in me.

Six Feet Under
Episodes: S1, 13
Where to watch: HBO
Rating: Philosophical

The show takes on some big issues, life, death, love, commitment, mental health, homosexuality, capitalism, and drugs. I sorta watched it back when it was on, so everything was a little familiar, I don't think I ever finished season 1 originally, but that was almost 20 years ago! 2001. I love the show, so I'm going to try and watch the whole series.

Memorable Line: When someone sees you as you really are, and wants to be with you, thats's powerful.

Episodes: S3, 10
Where to watch: Netflix
Rating: Tense

Ozark is back for more money laundering, bizarre family dynamics, backstabbing, violence, and OMG moments. Marty and Wendy's relationship isn't the only relationship that is fascinating. There's several relationships you have to wrap your mind around this season. Season 3 starts off slow, but picks up fast, and leads an exciting, tense final couple of episodes.

Memorable Line: Fighting for your life makes everything you've done before extremely dull.

What's in the queue:
Six Feet Under S2
American Horror Story S2: Asylum
Goliath S3
I know This Much is True

Thursday, August 22, 2019

What is Dead May Never Die

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge. Amanda made it across. Did I?

We got out of bed with a fury. We had to get ready quickly and get moving because we were booked for a full-day Game of Thrones tour. We had to get to the city centre to meet for the tour. The meeting point was the Europa Hotel, which happens to be Europe’s most bombed hotel. It opened in 1971, and it’s been bombed 35 times. We left time for breakfast, so we ate there. I wasn’t going to a Kingsmoot on an empty stomach. 

After breakfast, we went outside, and eventually the tour operator, Derek, summoned us to load the bus. He checked our name off, and we hopped on. The bus was already packed. Fuck. There weren't any seats together. Double fuck. I knew there would be quite a bit of bus time, so this scenario wasn’t ideal, but we took seats and dealt with it. Life is full of disappointments, and that’s what you do - deal with them. Derek got on the mike, and began a lengthy introduction, and laid down the “rules”. First rule, don’t talk about fight club. Second rule, be on the bus on time. Third rule, the seat you’re in is your seat for the day - no switching. I was surprised that Derek was the tour guide and the driver. I haven’t been on a ton of coach bus tours, but every other one had both. Impressive. Fair play to ya, Derek. 

We weaved in and out of the glens of Antrim, and made our first stop at a harbor in a small village where the Waif stabs Arya, and she climbs out of the water. Not terribly exciting. 

The next stop was in another small village. There was a memorial to the last animal culled during the Foot and Mouth Outbreak of 2001. A goat named Johann. We walked along the shore and behind a hotel to caves. The fight to the death between Jamie Lannister and Euron, and the birth of Melisandre’s shadow assassin were filmed here. 

Johann paid the iron price

Derek said 80% of filming took place in Northern Ireland, most in the Titanic studios in Belfast. It’s been a massive boon for the economy of Northern Ireland, which has suffered from an image problem, and the show is one of the biggest draws they have. 

It started raining lightly. I saw about five drops on my window. All of a sudden a woman behind me was shrieking “IT’S RAINING ON THE BUS” “DEREK IT IS RAINING IN THE BUS”. Not true. Derek pulled the bus over. Made his way to the back, and calmly said “it’s not acid. I opened the roof vent because the air conditioning cones weren’t working.” I knew a couple of things for certain. 1. It was hot and stuffy on the bus. 2. Everyone on the bus wanted this woman to be taken by the Others. 

Before we arrived at the Dark Hedges, Derek offered simple instructions so everyone could get a good photo. Stop at the fallen tree and spread out. Wait 5 minutes before walking down the road to allow people to get photos. Simple. Helpful. Clear. Well, you've probably seen videos of Black Friday. That’s what it was like. May as well have been at Walmart. Maybe the first person there got a decent photo. It was madness. The lighting didn’t work, so I didn’t really care. I just took it in. People are idiots. 

Giants Causeway was our next stop. Derek said there was a shuttle bus for one pound each way. I had a ten I was planning on using as a tip, and that was our only cash, so we walked. It turned out to be a hell of a walk, especially on the way back up. I was sweating like a pig and out of breath, to say the least. We recovered in the visitor center for about 15 minutes, and had chips and water. We lost track of time and rushed to the bus in the pouring rain. We had just a minute to spare. 

It was time for a lunch stop. Much needed. Derek had ordered lunch for everyone at a previous stop. All 49 of us filed in to the Fullerton Arms. This place was packed. Probably because it’s near the Carrick-a-Rede rope bridge. Business was booming. Of course, there were no seats. Are you shitting me? We searched and fortunately snatched the two at the end of a table. If I had to pay the iron price to sit next to my wife for lunch, I was prepared. We both had ordered the steak and Guinness pie. 

We were the first ones done. Typical, fast-eating Americans. Wrong. We were the smart ones because they had an Iron Throne here that we were going to have all to ourselves for the next few minutes. I was so triggered by the chaos at the Dark Hedges that I knew we had to start playing for keeps. Either you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

Ballantoy Harbor was our next stop. This was used to film Pyke harbor. When Theon meets Yara before he knows who she is. Derek referred to their horseback ride as “just some gentle fumbling between brother and sister.” The harbor was quite the ways down a long and winding road. I almost got hit by a car. I’d say it missed me by three inches. It was raining hard. We made it halfway, saw the harbor then said ok good enough and hiked back up to the bus. Almost everyone was already on the bus. Then the sun came out, and there were rainbows. I see Amanda jumping over people’s seats to get a better photo of the rainbow. Then her and Derek were comparing rainbow photos on their phones while I’m wedged in the back with my elbow lodged in my neighbor’s belly fat being cucked by the tour guide. Seven hells. 

We drove past the location of where Renly’s camp was filmed. Where we were first introduced to Brienne of Tarth when she’s fights Loras Tyrell. Also, the Kingsmoot was shot there, and Theon’s baptism when he consecrates his faith to the Drowned God, and receives the kiss of life. What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger. 

Approaching the rope bridge, Derek gassed us up by saying due to the winds the rope bridge was closed. “JUST KIDDING IT’S OPEN” Then the bus cheered. I was not cheering. It was a “strenuous” hike, and we were 8 hours into the tour and I had already walked 5 miles today. I checked my Apple Watch. I was mentally preparing my body and mind for one more vigorous test. The hike was 1.1 km. Not that far, but it definitely wasn’t flat. 

We received our tickets for the bridge crossing. Now, let me be clear, I love bridges. Everyone knows that. I HATE heights though, and especially ledges. This would involve all of them. A ghastly combination. We started down the rocky path. It had been raining off and on, so it was slick and muddy. The path twisted and turned, up and down over slippery rocky steps. I have a hard time seeing and establishing proper footing, so a treacherous hike with an added element of danger. I just focused on moving forward. The thought crossed my mind about how much of a bitch this would be hiking back, but I had to quickly perish the thought. I would worry about getting back later. Quiet your mind. Keep moving. 

Finally, we made it to the queue for the bridge. As we waited in line to cross, my legs were quivering from fatigue, not fear, but, admittedly, I was not excited about it at this point. I was here to cross a bridge, and that’s what was going to happen. I leaned against the wooden rail to conserve whatever energy I could. I didn’t have enough energy to walk a couple of feet and snap photos. It was strenuous and I was sweating, even though it was about 60° with winds 25-35 mph. I wasn’t sure if my blood sugar was low, and it didn’t matter because I didn’t have an emergency sugar supply with me anyway. The anticipation grew and the hype level intensified, and it began to rain. I couldn’t even see the bridge yet. It’s actually kind of hidden in the rocks on the coast between the cliffs. The bridge gatekeepers have each side take turns crossing, and a limited number of people can be on the bridge at one time. On the bridge is where the scene was filmed when Euron kills Balon Greyjoy by tossing him on to the rocks below. Stop thinking about that. 

Here we go. It was eventually our time to cross after about fifteen minutes. We ascended the steep slope and steps to the bridge. Amanda was in front of me. Then we stepped on the bridge. I was terrified, but this is what I came here for. I never looked down. I kept my eyes focused in front of me. We are probably half way across. HOLY SHIT. The bridge started swaying up and down and back and forth. My heart froze with dread. Was someone jumping on it or had the wind picked up? I didn’t know, but it was terrifying. I kept putting one foot in front of the other. Focus. Don’t look down. Finally, we made it to the other side. We did it. What a thrill. Now, we had to queue up to go back across. Fortunately, there were benches along the rails, so I could rest my weak and tired legs. We agreed that it was proper scary. Our turn came to go back across, the woman told Amanda to hold because there were too many people on the bridge. She snapped a quick photo(the one above). Back onto the bridge. I knew to expect swaying this time. This time it was less frightening, but I still didn’t look down. We reached the other side, and immediately began the steep ascent up the cliff, and climbed the stairs. I had no time to process the excitement because we had already begun the climb back, but I know the adrenaline boost helped propel me. The climb tested my lungs for sure. Last year, when I had the transplant, I almost died, but I was never scared. Anybody who was there that night could tell you. Today was scary. 

Back to the climb, I just focused and pushed through. There was no other choice. I rested on a bench at the top of the stairs because I was breathing so heavy. The hike back seemed to last forever and felt longer. Just as we were getting back, I was sweating and my vision was getting blurry- low blood sugar. Not surprised. There was a small coffee shop near the parking lot, so I got water and chips. It was time to get back on the bus. 

We almost left a family of four Americans. They were late and Derek had given repeated warnings about keeping on schedule. We pulled away and then saw them flailing their arms running across the parking lot. They didn’t find it funny, but it wasn’t a joke. The ride back to Belfast was over an hour. 

Upon returning to Belfast, I had made plans to meet my cousin Michael for dinner. I told him to pick a place. He suggested RevoluciĂłn de Cuba. We arrived there at 8. The bouncers wouldn’t let me in. Yes, there were bouncers because this was a club. That apparently served good food.  I was denied entry due to wearing “sports bottoms”. I’m not totally sure if it was the joggers or sneakers, probably both. So I texted Michael, who was having trouble getting an Uber because it was marching season in Belfast, and he was staying in a heavily Protestant neighborhood that was jammed up with a Protestant parade. As we stood outside cursing the club, Amanda wanted to stick it to them, so she went over to cancel the reservation. Well, she’s got clout because guess who was all friendly and jokey now? “Come on in, nobody will see what you’re wearing under table.” He asked me to take the cap off and tapped me on the shoulder as I walked in. Ok, buddy. 

This place was definitely a club. DJ, strobe lights, loud music. Michael eventually rolled in. We ordered food, too much, and had a grand time shouting at each other over the music. Good Craic.

This day would not have been possible without the transplant - absolutely 100% no chance. That I was able to do it was a miracle. Life is full of possibilities. 

Today’s Index

Steps- 19,799
Distance - 8.81 miles 
 Flights - 35
Bags of chips eaten - 3 
Words I’d use to describe Derek- charming, funny 
Total photos from iron throne photo shoot - 69

Trip Index
Favorite phrase - takin’ the piss
Times I heard it- 1
Favorite word - ye (what time are ye arriving?)
Times I heard it - too many to count 
Favorite dessert - sticky toffee pudding 
Times we had it - 1
Ice cream cones eaten by both of us - 4
Dan - honeycomb, sea salted caramel 
Amanda  - Nutella, Bailey’s
Best overall dish - salmon at Padraicin’s in Connemara
Dish I ordered most often - chicken curry 
Number of times I ordered it -4
Amanda’s most frequently ordered dish - cottage pie 
Number of times she ordered it - 2
Favorite non-tea drink - Club Orange Zero 
How I rate Amanda’s driving throughout the trip - Outstanding, fair play to her
View from our room at the Connemara Coast Hotel
Michael and Amanda in Connemara


Monday, August 19, 2019

I Knew You Were Trouble

The Irish were up all night drinking and singing, but we slept right through it. We’re literally staying right above Temple Bar, and we had all the windows open because our room was stuffy. We packed up, I had my donut, and Amanda went out for coffee. Checked out and ordered a taxi to pick up our rental car. 

It was a rainy morning in Dublin. I asked the driver if you just drive straight through or if there is a stop at the border of Northern Ireland. He said “no stop, but who knows once that Brexit shit goes through. Your man over there is a prick.” Referring to Boris Johnson. Good to know. After an uneventful drive to Belfast, we arrived at Sailors Grave Tattoo Studio. Great vibe walking in - clean, spacious, professional, art hanging all around. He never introduced himself, so he’ll simply be known as the artist. Amanda and the artist sat down to discuss her intentions and wishes. He left, and returned with a tablet. Then left again, and returned with sketches. She loved them. Then the artist left again to set up the station. Then he brought her to the chair. I just sat in the corner. I couldn’t tell if he was an introvert or if he was pissed I wasn’t going to be a customer. This wasn’t about me though. Credit to me for recognizing that. After she finished, I had a look, and it’s pretty cool for sure. I bought a tee shirt to contribute a little bit. After we paid, he said “sorted.” Probably have to work that in to my dealings with people. 

There was an hour left on the meter, so we walked to find lunch. We went to Made in Belfast - a trendy looking spot. She ordered the steak sandwich and I ordered the Peruvian chicken sandwich. As I sat there, I thought about how badass and sexy my wife is - dressed in all black jeans and tank top with guns blazing, fresh ink, red meat sandwich. I felt like when we left she could stuff me in her handbag. We quickly got the bill and paid, so we could run to the car before our time expired. Parking tickets over here are very expensive. Actually, far too punitive, in my opinion. I know from experience. We got a 50 euro ticket in Bath. The meter wasn’t agreeing with us, so Amanda said “I don’t care, I’ll just pay it. 

When we were back in the car, Amanda took a quick look over her cover her shoulder, then from a parking space, busts a u turn on a main road, then cuts across 4 lanes of traffic. I was like daaaaamn this bitch don’t give a fuck about shit. I just kept quiet and eyes forward as we made our way to the bed and breakfast to drop our bags off. 

We booked a Black Cab Tour that picked us up at the B&B twenty minutes later. We were lucky to get the only one available on what was turning out to be a busy Friday afternoon. 

We viewed and heard about the murals, the peace wall, and the Troubles. We passed Sinn Fein headquarters (political wing of the IRA) and Protestant strongholds and gravesites. Amanda did have one interesting realization today. She said this thing between the Irish and English is real. I’m not sure how fake she thought the animosity was before today. I mean I did refuse to name any more of our cats after British monarchs. Henry was named just before I entered the picture. We signed the peace wall, like the tourists we were, in washable markers. 

He dropped us in the main area of the city centre. We strolled around, then stopped at a cafĂ©. I sat outside with Diet Coke and water people watching while Amanda roamed around in search of shampoo. I was supposed to be searching for a place to eat dinner, but I was occupied with other things, and neglected to do so. Someone has to tell our story. Have to take time when it’s available. 

As we relaxed, Amanda found a floating restaurant called The Barge. I was onboard with that plan. The Barge specializes in boxys. I had never had a boxy. A boxy is basically a potato crepe, and theirs was filled with cod and salmon. There was also a vegetarian one, but we both had the fish boxy. What a brilliant food adventure. Best boxy I’ve ever had. I suppose the worst also. 


Game of Thrones stained glass window

Belfast Mona Lisa - the gun barrels follow you